Monday, September 27, 2010


Hey Conan, it’s Monday, the dreaded Monday. But I can’t complain because the exhaustion that plagued me all last week is no more! So what I’d like to talk about today is my “brother” Alex. I put the word brother in quotes because the statement isn’t entirely, legally true, yet. So basically this summer while I was away at camp I met this kid Alex and he writes poetry just like I do, but it’s nothing like what I do. For starters, though he may deny it, he is at least one hundred times better than I. Secondly he does something called spoken word poetry. Which is basically like reciting a memorized piece that doesn’t necessarily rhyme but is set to some type of rhythm and possibly includes crazy metaphors, similes and other literary things. So to make a long story short, Alex will soon be living with me full time and go to my school AND be legally considered a member of my family. Which is pretty exciting because he is one of my best friends and now he’s going to be my brother. Alex is 16, and a junior in high school just like me, which I like because we will be taking similar classes and I have someone to talk to about my teachers and my schoolwork. So yeah, that’s all I got to say about that. Something else came to my mind when I started to write this entry. I was just finishing up some SAT work and I realized that often when I write this blog I don’t use prefect English, my punctuation isn’t perfect, my grammar isn’t exactly essay quality, and I definitely don’t use a format that would be accepted by my English teacher. But then I realized that I don’t really care about that, because I can write however I want in here BUT at the same time it’s not just about how I want to write it’s about what looks nice or is easiest to read. At the same time though I’m realizing that if I want to write in a way that is more “chilled” for me to write, then it’s more “chilled” to read. I call it … reform writing, like being a reform Jew. I don’t have to stick to all the rules as long as I get the basic idea down. Which I think I’m doing. Okay well I know this is short and all but I’m writing this during my lunch and lunch is now over and I don’t really want to stop and start later so that’s all for now, until next time I guess …

Austin Rapkin-Citrenbaum

P.S. Conan Read This!

Friday, September 24, 2010

New Year and a New School

Hey Conan, so I guess I haven’t written in a few months but I do have a reason. I think I mentioned in my last post that I’d be gone all summer and probably not posting, but now I’m back into the new school year so I guess I’m ready to post again. So this has been an odd week. I was in Pittsburgh last weekend with my family including my new “brother” (which I’ll explain later) and I basically got no sleep all weekend. So on Monday when I woke up I was EXAUSTED, and I mean like drained of all energy. I spent the whole day out of it and fell asleep at nine that night, well the next day it was the same thing and I started to wonder, but I figured it would just take me a couple days to catch up on sleep. So Wednesday morning when I woke up tired again after a solid 9 hours of sleep I started to get worried, then Thursday came and I finally felt a bit better, by night time I felt almost all better. Now it’s Friday and I still feel tired but I feel so much better than I have all week so I guess that’s good. Anways, LM is a brand new school, which is pretty cool, everything is state of the art and stuff. Some people don’t like it because everything looks the same; one example is that all the walls are completely white. But the administration just said it’s because until the construction crew is completely done and everything is working nothing can be put up on the walls so that everything can be accessed. It kind of makes sense so I don’t really mind. One weird thing is this no food rule, we can’t eat anywhere but the cafeteria, not even a snack, and no drinks but water. They even lock you in the cafeteria during the lunch so you can’t leave, the reasoning is that the old school had a mouse problem, so apparently they need to exterminate that school and knock it down before we are allowed to have food anywhere else. I still sneak a energy bar once in a while in between classes when everyone’s too busy rushing through the hallways to notice. So according to TBS’s website it will be about 45 days until your show is on. I really hope I can access it on Hulu or something like I could with the late night show because the only chance I get to watch anything (besides baseball) is if I do it on my time, which is quiet sporadic. Okay I guess that’s it for now, I’ll tell you about the new addition to my family in my next post.
Austin Rapkin-Citrenbaum

PS. Conan read this!