Monday, September 27, 2010


Hey Conan, it’s Monday, the dreaded Monday. But I can’t complain because the exhaustion that plagued me all last week is no more! So what I’d like to talk about today is my “brother” Alex. I put the word brother in quotes because the statement isn’t entirely, legally true, yet. So basically this summer while I was away at camp I met this kid Alex and he writes poetry just like I do, but it’s nothing like what I do. For starters, though he may deny it, he is at least one hundred times better than I. Secondly he does something called spoken word poetry. Which is basically like reciting a memorized piece that doesn’t necessarily rhyme but is set to some type of rhythm and possibly includes crazy metaphors, similes and other literary things. So to make a long story short, Alex will soon be living with me full time and go to my school AND be legally considered a member of my family. Which is pretty exciting because he is one of my best friends and now he’s going to be my brother. Alex is 16, and a junior in high school just like me, which I like because we will be taking similar classes and I have someone to talk to about my teachers and my schoolwork. So yeah, that’s all I got to say about that. Something else came to my mind when I started to write this entry. I was just finishing up some SAT work and I realized that often when I write this blog I don’t use prefect English, my punctuation isn’t perfect, my grammar isn’t exactly essay quality, and I definitely don’t use a format that would be accepted by my English teacher. But then I realized that I don’t really care about that, because I can write however I want in here BUT at the same time it’s not just about how I want to write it’s about what looks nice or is easiest to read. At the same time though I’m realizing that if I want to write in a way that is more “chilled” for me to write, then it’s more “chilled” to read. I call it … reform writing, like being a reform Jew. I don’t have to stick to all the rules as long as I get the basic idea down. Which I think I’m doing. Okay well I know this is short and all but I’m writing this during my lunch and lunch is now over and I don’t really want to stop and start later so that’s all for now, until next time I guess …

Austin Rapkin-Citrenbaum

P.S. Conan Read This!

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