Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Hey conan, so let me start by saying, I had written this other post but I just decided not to use it ... I'm going to just post it in brackets so it doesn't totally go to waste...

[Hey Conan, I’m going to jump right into something. I have discovered that there is a social injustice in fire drills. Now let me explain, first I’ll state the obvious. Fire drills are totally, one hundred percent, pointless. First lets say there is a fire, and the people in the building know its not a drill for arguments sake lets say an announcement was made that this was legitimate. People are going to exit the same way they would in a drill, which is also the same way they’d regularly exit the building, the only difference will be instead of being calm people will be running like hell and possibly carrying “valuable possessions” which can only make evacuating more difficult and dangerous. Now lets pretend that there really is a fire, but people think it’s a drill. The people leaving the building (keep in mind they will be calm because they think it is a drill) will not be aware of the precious seconds they have to leave; therefore they run the risk of taking too long and getting trapped inside the burning building. On top of that many of them will actually be exiting in a direction that will take them to the fire, which will cause mass panic and eventually those people will all be … for lack of a better word … screwed. So in a nutshell, a fire drill doesn’t prepare you for a REAL fire in any way. The only thing it actually does is hurt you. Fire drills actually make the chance of getting out of a flaming building worse because they give you a false sense of security. ANYONE who works or lives in a place where fire drills are the norm knows that when the alarm sounds you leave. And as individuals are exiting they are thinking about what they were in the middle of doing prior to the alarm and waiting to get back to it. If there really is a fire, and the alarm sounds, people are going to think its just a drill … because there could NEVER be a real fire right? So what I’m basically saying that fire drills are totally unnecessary. I know what you’re thinking, “Austin what does this have to do with a social injustice?” Well I’m getting to that now. Last Monday at seven thirty in the morning, the school fire alarm went off. There were about 1500 students and teachers gathered outside IN THE RAIN!]

so that's basically it ... the story pretty much ends with me spending the entire time looking for a single friend but basically unable to do so ... ergo social injustice. In other news ... I've been getting tired recently at around 11 at night, which is fine until you realize that not six months ago I could get 4 hours of sleep for 5 weeks straight and feel fine. so I'm hoping it's a growth spurt ... I'd really like a few more inches. At this moment in time I am choosing not to do two homework assighnments (both due tomorrow) the thing is that I have done a lot of work today and don't really feel like doing any more ... although I suppose i should ... maybe it's time to go ... until next time

see ya around buddy boy!

Austin Rapkin-Citrenbaum

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