Friday, January 8, 2010

Connan Number 3...Copy Cats Arent Cool

So Connan I didn't post yesterday, mostly because I was exhausted and pissed at the world. The good news is that I went to bed at like 9 last night and I haven’t gone to bed that early in quite a few years. I was just too pissed to stay awake. My school had a 2-hour delay today I basically got 10 hours asleep a literal first for me on a school night. I am obviously very pleased about that. I have been doing very well in school, with a 4.4 GPA and I don't know what it is but for some reason I feel like some day soon I will begin to fail every test quiz and forget every homework. I don't know why this is, maybe partially because I feel like all of my peers do more work than I do to get the same things done so I worry my things are of a lesser quality but they're not. I don’t know if this is the competitiveness of my school causing students to overwork for no reason because we all have to be so smart and perfect, but that’s the only thing I can think of. The girl who sits behind me in my math class is most definitely not the smartest tool in the shed, but she does work really hard which helps her do well in school and get into my honors class. The thing is I most definitely put way less time in to studying than her and I have a full letter grade better than her and I did over 10 percent better than her on our last test. So my question is, why does it work like this? Have I figured out some unknown way to get the same amount of work done faster, or do I have an unnaturally high IQ? What gives me the ability to do less work for an equal or better grade? I am most definitely not complaining and I hope that it continues to work this way but I just don’t understand why. My school is very interesting, everyone things certain things are "hot" or "cool" and they do those things, they dress a certain way, act a certain way, do certain things, but in actuality even if these things were once cool they are most certainly played out now that everyone is doing them. For instance about a month ago we had presentations in my French class and these two girls go up to do their presentations and it just so happens they are wearing almost the same exact outfit. They both had on Uggs (of course) they both were wearing form fitting jeans along with a black zip up sweatshirt and a white shirt peeking out from underneath. My French teacher laughed and asked if they planned it, and the whole class chuckled, as they answered no. Connan about 700 girls go to my school and I'd bet about 100 more of them matched these two. First of all on any given day about 600 of the 700 girls in my school are wearing Uggs, and more than half are wearing jeans or some kind of spandex. How can this be so cool and hot if they are all the same? It seems to me that originality and independent thinking are not traits that my school holds. I think that’s enough bitching for today so I'm going to finish here and I'll write in again tomorrow. Thanks for reading.

Your sexy vampire/ wolf boy-loving fan




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