Wednesday, January 6, 2010

day 2, whats in my mind???

Okay Connan so I guess calling you coco isn’t the best thing to do since you have made it pretty clear that you hate that name, instead ill use your other nick name "the solution" So Mr. solution I have some stuff on my mind, first things first. I could not sleep last night, I was kind of uneasy when I got into bed at 1:05 but I thought my feelings could rest until the morning I guess I was wrong because I just couldn’t sleep. So I decided to go out in the frigid 29 degrees (Fahrenheit were in America) and walk a bit. I walked down the street and when I reached my friends house I just stopped in the middle of the street and looked up at the sky, and I realized how peaceful it was. I almost wanted to stay out here all night. Its so amazing when the world is asleep, you realize how distracted you are. At night when even the crickets nap you can hear your heart beat and you feel like there is nothing in the world that could distract you because the nothing else is around. It was just so amazing, and of course right after that I went home and fell asleep. Connan, as I told you I want to perform all around the world one day and I recently came to a realization about performers such as yourself. I looked you up online to see if you had a fan email or address for me to send this too instead of hoping you would stumble upon it but I didn’t find one, what I did find was that you went to Harvard university and I was amazed that someone who went to such a prestigious school would become a talk show host and not a brilliant doctor or lawyer. The thing is that if you think about it, many celebrities are actually extremely smart and went to amazing schools. For instance James Franco went to Columbia and I believe will smith was given a scholarship to MIT. I kind of enjoy the idea that to be a great performer you need to be really intelligent. Think about the other side of the board, Paris Hilton no more words need to be said. On another topic, I want to credit the inspiration for this blog, the book "Iron Man" by Chris Crutcher is currently being read in my health class and Bo the main character loves Larry King (who doesn’t love ancient artifacts?!) and he writes a journal to him almost every day and tells him about everything, unfortunately this book was written before blogging so no one ever sees these entries such as my audience does but its the same idea. I like being able to write this crap down in hopes that you will find it one day and interview me yourself, I know it sounds far fetched but I believe its more than possible. Well that’s really all for now Connan, gotta get back to work considering I’m in school right now.

Your semi fan



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