Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I'm back!

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Hey Conan so I guess I’m back … I wasn’t really ever sure if this was a permanent hiatus or what but in the last couple weeks it has been brought to my attention that actual people actually read this … so now I wanna keep going.  So the thing is that you performed in Philadelphia a couple nights ago and I didn’t go … my bad … but I know people who did and many of them have come up to me and asked if I went … they knew I liked you because of this blog … not to mention one other encounter that allowed me to know I was being read.  I like to keep it anonymous on this blog so lets just say … some asshole freshmen from my school told me he knew of this … see there’s this thing called “nuggeting” that many kids at my school do … basically empty a back pack (or any other bag for that matter) of its contents … turn it inside out … put everything back in just like it was … and then zip the inside out bag back up … so anyways this freshmen got nuggeted … and instead of taking it like a man and laughing it off like every other student (and on occasion teacher) this kid (who happens to be a scrawny geeky friendless kid who thinks he’s big, tough, and intimidating) finds the other student who did it (a class clown who is on the “short” side but everyone loves him) and pins him up against the wall? … yes I meant a question mark … so the nuggetie as we shall call him is laughing so hard while the nuggeted is getting angrier by the second.  So I do as any self respecting teen does and laugh at this kid who was just nuggeted … well he didn’t find it very funny coco … he decided to call me out on “writing to someone who doesn’t listen” I believe he said … although you don’t listen you read … silly freshmen … he also included the fact that “I’m so dumb because I can’t get into advance math class” I’m in honors grade level math which would be advance … very stupid boy … but anyways that’s the long story of how this kid knew about my writings to you.  As far as “catching up” I’m gonna go with a no go co co on that one because I feel like screw it lets just keep on going … well I’m gonna go for now Conan but I’ll talk to you soon.

Austin Citrenbaum
PS. Conan O’brien read this!!!

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