Monday, February 15, 2010

Cleaning your room is fun :)

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Hey Conan, I just cleaned my room for a couple of hours and now it is SO clean.  Right when I began writing this I realized I should have taken a before and after picture that way you could see for yourself.  I’d show you the after but I don’t think you’d see the real beauty of it because you didn’t see the before.  It’s weird I have ADD you know like every other American kid but the weird part is that when I take my ADD meds and decide to do something I concentrate far greater than when I am doing something that wasn’t up to me, school for instance.  I decided to clean my room and I concentrated for two hours straight easily.  Today is the last day of my “break” the four-day weekend turned into a six day because of the lovely snow.  I heard it snowed in every state except Hawaii.  That’s pretty crazy!  Apparently we are expecting snow today/tonight and it would be amazing if we could get a late opening tomorrow because I am going to be up so very late doing all the homework I didn’t do.  That’s my next mission but I think I will break for an hour or two before I start it.  Conan I don’t know if you have seen this video but it is awesome, some guy on Youtube who calls himself “The Hair Kid” wrote a song for you and posted it.  The song is actually really good.  Here is the video; there is information about a free download in the description. 

I really felt like I had a lot to talk about today, in fact I still do feel like I do but at the same time I can’t think of anything.  It’s like some odd form of writers block where I can’t remember my own life.  I think I am going to start attaching some more funny stuff I find online to this blog.  So for right now I think I will show you this funny picture I found today.  I am not going to kill the joke by telling you what it is a pun of. 

I know you laughed at that because it’s really funny and why wouldn’t you laugh?  Exactly, there is no reason you wouldn’t laugh ergo you laughed.  Okay well I’m going to sign off now and do something totally meaningless instead of my homework.  I’ll write in soon.


PS. Conan Read This!  

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