Friday, October 22, 2010

Cell Phones In Class

Hey conan,
So it's friday ... which is my day ... just kidding ... but seriously I'm so happy because I have a free right now and then academic recovery for 25 minutes and then my day is OVER.  Today I'm picking Alex up at some sonic (the drive in fast food place) at 4:30 ... usually my dad picks him up on the way home from work so this should be interesting :) So anyways ... I'd like to talk about something that happened to me in honors US history last period.  In the beginning of the year my teacher made his little speech thing and in it he talked about cell phones for a bit.  I don't really remember what he said exactly but I think it was on the lines of "if I catch you with a cellphone in my class I wont think highly of you anymore, and we wont be friends" so today i was checking something on my phone for like three seconds and the desks were arranged in two circles, one inside the other.  I was sitting in the outer circle on the opposite side from him with two people blocking his view of me, but then when I went to check one more thing on my phone I guess he saw me cause he said "bad boy austin" and I quickly put it away.  And even though there was only about 7 minutes of class left I feel like he kind of ignored me a couple times, or at least treated me in an odd way.  I'm really hoping that this was all in my head or that if it wasn't he will forget about it by Monday because I really like my history teacher and his class, and I love history.  and on top of that he and I were kind of getting to know each other in our short talks before class, so I'd hate to lose that, and I'd hate to lose the chance of getting a letter of recommendation from him if I ever needed one.  Okay well that's all for now because I have to go read something.  Until next time,

Austin Rapkin-Citrenbaum

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