Monday, February 15, 2010

Cleaning your room is fun :)

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Hey Conan, I just cleaned my room for a couple of hours and now it is SO clean.  Right when I began writing this I realized I should have taken a before and after picture that way you could see for yourself.  I’d show you the after but I don’t think you’d see the real beauty of it because you didn’t see the before.  It’s weird I have ADD you know like every other American kid but the weird part is that when I take my ADD meds and decide to do something I concentrate far greater than when I am doing something that wasn’t up to me, school for instance.  I decided to clean my room and I concentrated for two hours straight easily.  Today is the last day of my “break” the four-day weekend turned into a six day because of the lovely snow.  I heard it snowed in every state except Hawaii.  That’s pretty crazy!  Apparently we are expecting snow today/tonight and it would be amazing if we could get a late opening tomorrow because I am going to be up so very late doing all the homework I didn’t do.  That’s my next mission but I think I will break for an hour or two before I start it.  Conan I don’t know if you have seen this video but it is awesome, some guy on Youtube who calls himself “The Hair Kid” wrote a song for you and posted it.  The song is actually really good.  Here is the video; there is information about a free download in the description. 

I really felt like I had a lot to talk about today, in fact I still do feel like I do but at the same time I can’t think of anything.  It’s like some odd form of writers block where I can’t remember my own life.  I think I am going to start attaching some more funny stuff I find online to this blog.  So for right now I think I will show you this funny picture I found today.  I am not going to kill the joke by telling you what it is a pun of. 

I know you laughed at that because it’s really funny and why wouldn’t you laugh?  Exactly, there is no reason you wouldn’t laugh ergo you laughed.  Okay well I’m going to sign off now and do something totally meaningless instead of my homework.  I’ll write in soon.


PS. Conan Read This!  

Friday, February 12, 2010


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Hey Conan, now that you live in LA I’m sure you don’t have to deal with snow, but when you lived in New York I bet there were many occasions in which you got stuck.  Well incase you haven’t realized it’s snowing A LOT and EVERYWHERE!  I mean I heard it was snowing in Florida today, that’s crazy!  I have been alive for sixteen and a half years and I don’t know of any time that has ever happened, it probably hasn’t since Larry kings ice age days.  The point is, we had about two feet of snow last Friday/Saturday and we had another foot and a half in between Tuesday/Wednesday.  Needless to say there is SO MUCH SNOW.  So tonight my dad and I went to Nana and Pops (grandparents) to help pop take the TV in him and Nana’s bed room down because he is getting a new one.  We also had dinner.  So it was about nine when we left and although the roads have been plowed there was still a lot of slush and snow and ice on the ground.  So I’m driving OF COURSE and my dad keeps telling me to keep the speed up so that his rear wheel drive car doesn’t stop around a corner.  Well wouldn’t you know it I slip around a corner and the whole car goes off the road and onto some grass, there was more than a foot of snow underneath and surrounding our car.  So first thing we try is reversing, tires sliding everywhere we go NOWHERE.  We were lucky because we were less than a quarter mile down the road so we ran back to my grand parents house, my uncle Mike and his family were still there.  Let me explain my uncle mike, he is the kind of guy that has EVERYTHING you will EVER need.  He was leaving when we ran up to the house so he drove his car with us and his family inside to where our car was and he took a shovel out of his car (OF CORSE HE HAS A SHOVEL IN HIS CAR) I start digging and he says he is sorry he doesn’t have his car because that car has all kinds of cables in it for towing that we could use.  So I dig for a few minutes (freezing my ass off if may I add) and then we tried pushing, my uncle, dad, and I got in front of the car while my aunt reversed; NOTHING yet again.  So my uncle says, okay I’ll drive home and get my Jeep ill be back as soon as possible, so we stay there with the shovel and start digging.  Eventually a car drives by and it’s a man and is (wife?) the man says he lives right there and would be glad to lend a hand.  So he lets his wife drive the car to there home which is legitimately across the street and he digs for a second and then him and my dad get in front of the car while I drive, NOTHING.  We do some more digging and try again but still nothing.  So we thank the man and tell him that my dad’s brother is coming for us and we will be fine, he leaves.  So we then get in the car and begin to wait.  My Motorola Droid cell phone has you tube access so I show my dad this AMAZING comedian Jo Key and my uncle eventually shows up just past ten.  I spent the next twenty minutes face down in the snow attaching this cord thing and eventually we got the car out.  Man was it a crazy night.  When I got home I had a wonderful shower and then it was soon midnight and I called Mariel because today (the 13th not the 12th) is her birthday and I wanted to be first.  Now I’m writing to help me relax and I think I’ll go watch some you tube.  Have a good night Conan talk to you in a day or two.


PS. Conan Read This! 

Thursday, February 11, 2010


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Hey Conan, it’s about two in the morning as I’m beginning to write this and I don’t know how long it will take me to post it, but I suppose before two thirty.  So I really wanted to write in tonight but by the time I realized I wanted to write in I was getting really tired so I decided not to.  Then something amazing happened, like a Christmas miracle I found a new font WHICH I LOVE! And I just couldn’t resist writing with this font; it has inspired me to blog at two in the morning.  HORAY!  I’m not sure if my blog will be posted with this font (because as usual I’m writing this in word first) but either way I can enjoy the way it looks on my word document before I post it.  I found this font because of Stumble upon, it brought me to a website with 45 amazing fonts and I downloaded this one, although I may be downloading more in the near future.  Here is the sight:

Check it out it’s really awesome!  So today was actually a pretty good day, I woke up early even though I didn’t have school because I wanted to be sweet and text Mariel first thing that way she had me while she was at school.  By 11:30ish I had woken up enough to go out and shovel which I did for about an hour while texting Maddy and Alexa.  Maddy and I ended up meeting at the local Starbucks, I walked its about a ten minute walk for me so it was no big deal.  Maddy’s mom drove her and she met me there, we got some food and some stuff to drink (I got tea) and then when we finished we walked back to my house and hung out for a while, it was loads of fun I LOVE hanging out with Maddy.  So Maddy left at about six and after that I went down the street for Tobie’s (my little cousin) birthday party.  Today was her twelfth birthday and my aunt had the whole family along with some family friends over for Tobie.  It was good fun although I went home early to relax and talk to people online.  Well that’s about it for tonight.  I’ll post back maybe tomorrow if not then the next day. 


PS. Conan Read This!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Conan I haven’t posted in way too long, and there’s no excuse, I've just been lazy and I'm sorry.  I am also sorry to say this wont be a long post considering its almost 2:30 as I am beginning to write this and I am getting up at 9 to text Mariel because although I have no school tomorrow she only has a two hour delay and I don't want her to be lonely.  Anyway I think Ill just give you a tiny synopsis of the last week.  School has been fine, a bit stressful but fine, we had a HUGE snowstorm last Friday/Saturday and there was so much snow we had a two-hour delay on Monday.  Due to presidents weekend we have a half-day Thursday and Friday off for this week, but because of another snowstorm that began last night we have a six-day weekend!!!  I am happy to say I have continued to post a poem every day, even though sometimes-past midnight but I don't think that matters, I mean it is my blog isn't it.  That’s what my big sister Sammy says, she has her own blog and she’s actually been noted in magazines and stuff and she gets paid to advertise, but she always says, its her blog if she doesn't want to post for a week she doesn't have too, no one can tell her what to do about her own damn blog.  She says the same for me.  And she’s right.  Sammy is really smart about stuff like that, common sense stuff.  She always sees right through the bullshit.  Okay Conan sorry to cut it short but I am going to go to bed, night!

Until next time (hopefully not too long)


PS. Conan Read This!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Life is really complicated

Hey Conan, I know being a teenager is supposed to be confusing and often upsetting.  I understand that everyone has rough spots when they are growing up.  And I know that they all say that their problems are so original, but I really think mine are just different.  I’m not necessarily saying that what I’m going through is so different than any of the other billions of people that have grown up; I’m saying that my issues are not too common and my circumstances are extremely original.  For instance, I don’t want to go into my long list of problems but it’s the fact that my friends are so far away from me, that I don’t have friends here and the ones I do have live too far away.  It’s really tough because I am dealing with so many “social” issues on top of all my life issues.  Some of my problems are general teenager problems like school being tough and parents being annoying on occasion or even my on coming insomnia, but other problems that I have are more original like the fact that I am dealing with things way beyond my maturity level.  There is a person in my life, who used to understand better what was wrong and this person would do anything to fix it.  This person is having some issues of their own right now and some of them are caused by me, the thing that this person doesn’t realize is that they are making so many negative choices that are not helping them feel better and are definitely making it worse for me.  The worst part is that things have gotten way better over the past week and my two month depression seems to have come to an end, but I feel that nothing I do will make it any better for some time and that really sucks.  Although I am no longer unable to sleep or eat or think, I still have trouble sleeping and concentrating and I can barley eat, and the only way it can be fixed is not with my actions.  I know what I have to do to move it along but I also know that I cannot fix it by myself and I just don’t see it getting fixed at least this week.  It’s so hard to really think into the future, but if I try to I just don’t see it getting better for at least 3 maybe 4 weeks and that’s a long time.  I am hoping to improve it a bit during this week and weekend but I just cannot be sure.  That’s all for now I need to go work or something to relax my mind.  Until next time

Your fan,

PS. Conan Read This!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Backpacks are heavy

Hey Conan, so its 7 in the morning as I’m writing this and I am running on about four hours of sleep but for some reason I just want to write in right now.  So this entry may sound a little weird but that’s just because I am a bit delusional right now.  Anyway I’m sitting in the hallway right now and kids are just starting to get to school and I’m thinking about backpacks.  Some kids are the kind of kids who have HUGE backpacks that are literally bursting at the seams.
Last year for some time I was one of these kids, I suppose they did what I did which is always having a couple of my textbooks on hand.  Towards the middle of last year I realized that maybe having an extra twenty pounds in my bag was hurting me more than it was helping me.  What all of these over achievers need to realize is that they are not any better of a student just because their bags are overflowing and backbreaking.  It’s about what you do with what you have not getting everything you can and hoping that helps.  Now these kids aren’t the only ones with backpack issues.  Some kids are what we will call, “under achievers” in the backpack area.  These kids either have the tiniest backpacks that hardly have anything in them or even drawstring bags that are practically empty.

These kids are usually the kind of kids with no organization so they have their schoolwork for the day along with some writing utensils, or something of that nature.  If you have been in high school you know that you need a binder for all of your five major classes at the least, not to mention the fact that every student at my school has a laptop.  In conclusion, I think that all students should fall somewhere in the middle just like I do.  Your bag should under no circumstances be back breaking, but it should be heavy.  I feel that a normal size backpack should be full, not bursting but not light as a feather.  Expect to be carrying twenty to thirty pounds its no big deal you’re supposed to be a healthy teenager right?  Well Conan first period starts in a few minutes so I have to go.  I’ll write in soon,

Your never fleeting fan

PS. Conan Read This!