Friday, February 12, 2010


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Hey Conan, now that you live in LA I’m sure you don’t have to deal with snow, but when you lived in New York I bet there were many occasions in which you got stuck.  Well incase you haven’t realized it’s snowing A LOT and EVERYWHERE!  I mean I heard it was snowing in Florida today, that’s crazy!  I have been alive for sixteen and a half years and I don’t know of any time that has ever happened, it probably hasn’t since Larry kings ice age days.  The point is, we had about two feet of snow last Friday/Saturday and we had another foot and a half in between Tuesday/Wednesday.  Needless to say there is SO MUCH SNOW.  So tonight my dad and I went to Nana and Pops (grandparents) to help pop take the TV in him and Nana’s bed room down because he is getting a new one.  We also had dinner.  So it was about nine when we left and although the roads have been plowed there was still a lot of slush and snow and ice on the ground.  So I’m driving OF COURSE and my dad keeps telling me to keep the speed up so that his rear wheel drive car doesn’t stop around a corner.  Well wouldn’t you know it I slip around a corner and the whole car goes off the road and onto some grass, there was more than a foot of snow underneath and surrounding our car.  So first thing we try is reversing, tires sliding everywhere we go NOWHERE.  We were lucky because we were less than a quarter mile down the road so we ran back to my grand parents house, my uncle Mike and his family were still there.  Let me explain my uncle mike, he is the kind of guy that has EVERYTHING you will EVER need.  He was leaving when we ran up to the house so he drove his car with us and his family inside to where our car was and he took a shovel out of his car (OF CORSE HE HAS A SHOVEL IN HIS CAR) I start digging and he says he is sorry he doesn’t have his car because that car has all kinds of cables in it for towing that we could use.  So I dig for a few minutes (freezing my ass off if may I add) and then we tried pushing, my uncle, dad, and I got in front of the car while my aunt reversed; NOTHING yet again.  So my uncle says, okay I’ll drive home and get my Jeep ill be back as soon as possible, so we stay there with the shovel and start digging.  Eventually a car drives by and it’s a man and is (wife?) the man says he lives right there and would be glad to lend a hand.  So he lets his wife drive the car to there home which is legitimately across the street and he digs for a second and then him and my dad get in front of the car while I drive, NOTHING.  We do some more digging and try again but still nothing.  So we thank the man and tell him that my dad’s brother is coming for us and we will be fine, he leaves.  So we then get in the car and begin to wait.  My Motorola Droid cell phone has you tube access so I show my dad this AMAZING comedian Jo Key and my uncle eventually shows up just past ten.  I spent the next twenty minutes face down in the snow attaching this cord thing and eventually we got the car out.  Man was it a crazy night.  When I got home I had a wonderful shower and then it was soon midnight and I called Mariel because today (the 13th not the 12th) is her birthday and I wanted to be first.  Now I’m writing to help me relax and I think I’ll go watch some you tube.  Have a good night Conan talk to you in a day or two.


PS. Conan Read This! 

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