Monday, February 1, 2010

Backpacks are heavy

Hey Conan, so its 7 in the morning as I’m writing this and I am running on about four hours of sleep but for some reason I just want to write in right now.  So this entry may sound a little weird but that’s just because I am a bit delusional right now.  Anyway I’m sitting in the hallway right now and kids are just starting to get to school and I’m thinking about backpacks.  Some kids are the kind of kids who have HUGE backpacks that are literally bursting at the seams.
Last year for some time I was one of these kids, I suppose they did what I did which is always having a couple of my textbooks on hand.  Towards the middle of last year I realized that maybe having an extra twenty pounds in my bag was hurting me more than it was helping me.  What all of these over achievers need to realize is that they are not any better of a student just because their bags are overflowing and backbreaking.  It’s about what you do with what you have not getting everything you can and hoping that helps.  Now these kids aren’t the only ones with backpack issues.  Some kids are what we will call, “under achievers” in the backpack area.  These kids either have the tiniest backpacks that hardly have anything in them or even drawstring bags that are practically empty.

These kids are usually the kind of kids with no organization so they have their schoolwork for the day along with some writing utensils, or something of that nature.  If you have been in high school you know that you need a binder for all of your five major classes at the least, not to mention the fact that every student at my school has a laptop.  In conclusion, I think that all students should fall somewhere in the middle just like I do.  Your bag should under no circumstances be back breaking, but it should be heavy.  I feel that a normal size backpack should be full, not bursting but not light as a feather.  Expect to be carrying twenty to thirty pounds its no big deal you’re supposed to be a healthy teenager right?  Well Conan first period starts in a few minutes so I have to go.  I’ll write in soon,

Your never fleeting fan

PS. Conan Read This!

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