Monday, January 25, 2010

I can't sleep how about you?

Hey Coco, it seems pretty obvious that you have not been sleeping well for the last few nights…or weeks, due to your upsetting situation.  I totally know what it feels like to be too anxious or upset to go to bed, you feel all jittery and the second you close your eyes your mind begins to race and you start freaking out.  I usually take a walk around the block when this happens to me, even if its 10 degrees and 2 in the morning on a school night.  The fresh air just always makes me feel way better.  I bring up this issue of sleeping because last night I could not sleep, but it wasn’t really anxiety that was keeping me awake.  Usually when I can’t sleep cause I’m upset, I am really exhausted but too freaked out to close my eyes.  Last night was different.  I was up till about 12 studying and then I went to bed as soon as I closed my eyes it felt like they were kind of twitching like they couldn’t relax and I felt really jittery and hyper like I was on crack! (Not that I do drugs ☺) but anyway, I lay in bed for almost an hour with my eyes shut.  My mind kept going back to Mariel, and I then I started thinking about this song she recorded for me.  So after lying in bed for 50 minutes I decided to get up, so I got out of bed went to my computer and listened to that song like 3 times, it actually made me relax for the first time in the whole night.  Then I decided to write a song responding to that one, and I wrote it so fast I was on the ball!  I really like it and I think I’m going to record it soon.  After all that I still didn’t feel tired, in fact I felt more awake so I decided to IM some people.  I was talking to my friend Bekkah about our little journey that’s taking place this week; we’re going to visit our old history teacher.  Bekkah is a senior but we both had her, and if you had Mrs. Chung you loved Mrs. Chung.  I also talked to my big sister Sammy about random stuff, mostly how I couldn’t sleep.  Then I showed her the song, she really liked it ☺. Finally at two in the morning I felt tired enough to get to bed, so I lay down and crashed a while later.  The weird part is how I don’t feel tired this morning.  The next topic I want to talk about is you. I think I told you that a week or two ago I checked the comments under your show on hulu and they were all on your side, and that I checked leno’s comments and they were also on your side.  Well I found this little graph thing of talk show hosts.  Now this graph as you will see ranks shows on quality of the show and host, and how much the network values the host.  I know that this graph does not rank you as the number one show but I am not here to discuss which shows are the best and which are the worst.  Here is the graph before I say anything more.

 Picture taken from

The first thing to notice is that your show is right on the margin between “best show” and “worst show” now at first you may say, well I must be better than that, but this graph says that your show is on the good side and your ranked above average, which when you think about it is really good.  The second thing to notice is your placement as far as value to your (former) network.  This chart places you in a position, which makes you a valued but replaceable employee (in your networks eyes).  I think that you are valued to that level by NBC but I don’t think it is right, because you bring a large fan base and more importantly you are very original.  Your not going to see any other 6-foot talk show hosts with red bouncy hair.  The third thing to notice is Leno’s placement.  His is shown to be highly valued by his network; it actually ranks him the second most valued host right behind David Letterman.  This is something that NBC has conveyed through their recent actions regarding late night programming.  The second thing about Leno is his placement as far as show quality.  He is placed very low, in the bottom three.  This illustrates that not only did your show add to NBC more than his does but removing you and keeping him will in actuality lower the over all quality of NBC as a network.  Well this has been a very long post so I’m going to end it now.  

Your super fan


PS. Conan Read This!

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