Saturday, January 23, 2010

Tired of Studying? Me Too!

Hey Conan, so I know that I already wrote in today but the thing is I’m baby sitting and I don’t feel like doing any more mid term work so I thought I’d write again. Anyways, today was long and uneventful, I drove a little to run some errands but that’s it other than that I sat around slacking on studying and watching your final episode along with other assorted videos from shows to you tube to movies. So right now after putting both kids to bed I am yet again slacking away, and watching the hulk on the nice big flat screen ☺. So there is the most adorable 4-month-old puppy in the house, he and I are enjoying this fantastic movie together while I’m writing this. I think he likes it almost as much as I do. I took a picture with him, here it is.

Adorable I KNOW. Anyways I don’t know if I have told you but my aunt/uncle and their two daughters live down the street. Aunt beck, uncle Ted, Tobie (11) and Marina (8) so anyway I love those guys Tobie and Marina are like my little sisters and Beck/Ted are like my second parents. So my sister is down there chilling out with Tobie, Marina, and their friend Ally. I think I am going to go down when the parents return because I don’t feel like going home. Tomorrow I have a lot of studying to do for mid terms but it might leave a good opportunity to write a long entry because I enjoy writing in this blog and it makes a great break from studying. All the same I may not have the time to write much at all so who knows. Remember that book I told you I read which inspired me to start writing this, the one called Iron Man. Well I finished it and it was amazing I highly recommend it. You know what else, I saw this clip on you tube it was of Larry King talking about your situation with NBC. Its really funny actually you should watch it David Letterman.  This is the clip:

Okay Conan well I’m hoping that the parents will be home soon but I’m going to sign off for now.

Your number (insert number here)


PS. Conan Read This!

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