Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mid terms day one and tired of it allready

Hey Mr. Solution, you have an interesting situation.  You recently became unemployed but instead of a monthly unemployment check you got 45 million dollars.  That’s not too shabby.  So today was the first day of mid terms.  I had English and then math.  For English we had a vocabulary test on the computer that was about 100 words long, then we had a short reading and comprehension then we had an essay on the reading and then we had a juxtaposition essay.  We had around an hour and a half to do this.  The first thing is that our proctor showed up late so we spent the first few minutes of the actual test time we spent getting settled and her reading things she should have done before we begun.  I did the vocabulary first and since it’s on the Internet you get a grade immediately after you’re finished, so I got one hundred percent on that.  Then I did the short story reading, and the questions for that were also on the computer.  The story was very confusing because it wasn’t specific enough about characters and I wasn’t quite giving my all on the questions so I got a 60 percent :/ but that’s fine because it’s such a small part of the mid term.  So after that I wrote my essay on the story and it was hard.  Like I said I didn’t like the story so how could I write such a good essay on it.  I finished the essay but I think it was only worthy of a B.  Finally I moved on to the juxtaposition essay.  There were a few topics we could choose from, at first I didn’t know what to pick but then I decided to put a creative spin on the topic of “beauty”.  I decided to compare what people consider beauty (a beautiful woman) to art, specifically graffiti.  So I’m writing my essay and it’s going so good.  I’m finishing up my first of two paragraphs where I talk about a woman who just won the miss USA pageant.  I haven’t even introduced my second topic yet, AND THE BELL RINGS.  So obviously the first thing I do is look to my friend next to me and I’m like SHIT! And she hadn’t finished either so we were both a bit screwed.  The proctor is walking around saying we have to turn it in and such and I’m like “can I just finish my paragraph really quick” so me along with most of the class are hustling to finish up.  I write a few crappy sentences about the graffiti artist and make it into the shortest paragraph ever.  The worst part is that I decided in my head that I wanted to do that essay first not the short story one so that I could finish with something I was going to love writing.  If I had known I was going to run out of time I wouldn’t have made that stupid decision because I know that I whatever my grade is on the midterm it will have been better if I had completed the juxtaposition instead of the analysis essay.  Incase you’re wondering here is my juxtaposition:

She gracefully makes her way to center stage, the just announced miss America is about to make her inaugural speech.  Her violet dress with accents of blue flows like tall grass on a windy day, fitting her perfectly it shows her long, smooth legs allowing their glossy finish to reflect the lights that are cast down upon her ever so slightly.  Her hair has the most perfect waves, like those of the ocean just after it rains, not one single strand attempts to stray from the pack.  She takes the microphone into her perfectly molded hands and raises it to her thin red lips.  All she can do is smile; and what a beautiful smile it is, those perfectly straight white teeth, as if an artist sculpted them.  Her big beautiful blue eyes, so fierce they could kill you in an instant, but so gentle they could bring a man to tears.  No one can say a word; this is surely the most beautiful sight any one has ever seen. 
    Just outside a man finishing his masterpiece, graffiti yes but when examined it is so beautiful.  So perfectly drawn so that no one could look at it and not be amazed.  Surely this is what true beauty is.  You need to examine it yourself to truly appreciate its beauty.

I hope you liked it but I mean if you didn’t, my analysis wasn’t any better.  So yeah I was very frustrated about that.  Next I moved on to the math, now my school is very computer oriented.  This year we started a program where every student gets a brand new apple Mac book with all the software for free.  This computer is theirs for the duration of their stay at Lower Merion.  I LOVE this program because now I have two Mac’s and I can do multiple things at home plus it makes schoolwork more convenient.  So my math mid term was also on the Internet.  Well it was supposed to be, turns out one not too bright teacher leaked it onto his eboard.  Eboard’s are basically website type things for the teachers to post stuff for students, from homework to study guides, or power point presentations, etc.  Anyway he put it up there by accident, I didn’t know about It until my teacher walks in and hands the proctor those scan-tron sheets, which everyone in the world hates.  This makes it all that more difficult just because its not what I was ready for.  Plus apparently some kids in my class had heard about the leaked test and studied it so that could have been a lot of help.  Regardless the test was really hard.  The worst part is that I finished with a half hour left, and I wish I could have used that towards English.  Okay this entry has been long enough.  See ya!

Your frustrated fan
PS. Conan Read This!

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