Friday, October 22, 2010

Cell Phones In Class

Hey conan,
So it's friday ... which is my day ... just kidding ... but seriously I'm so happy because I have a free right now and then academic recovery for 25 minutes and then my day is OVER.  Today I'm picking Alex up at some sonic (the drive in fast food place) at 4:30 ... usually my dad picks him up on the way home from work so this should be interesting :) So anyways ... I'd like to talk about something that happened to me in honors US history last period.  In the beginning of the year my teacher made his little speech thing and in it he talked about cell phones for a bit.  I don't really remember what he said exactly but I think it was on the lines of "if I catch you with a cellphone in my class I wont think highly of you anymore, and we wont be friends" so today i was checking something on my phone for like three seconds and the desks were arranged in two circles, one inside the other.  I was sitting in the outer circle on the opposite side from him with two people blocking his view of me, but then when I went to check one more thing on my phone I guess he saw me cause he said "bad boy austin" and I quickly put it away.  And even though there was only about 7 minutes of class left I feel like he kind of ignored me a couple times, or at least treated me in an odd way.  I'm really hoping that this was all in my head or that if it wasn't he will forget about it by Monday because I really like my history teacher and his class, and I love history.  and on top of that he and I were kind of getting to know each other in our short talks before class, so I'd hate to lose that, and I'd hate to lose the chance of getting a letter of recommendation from him if I ever needed one.  Okay well that's all for now because I have to go read something.  Until next time,

Austin Rapkin-Citrenbaum

Friday, October 15, 2010

FRIDAY ... Camera :D

Hey Conan, so this one's gonna be short because I get out of school at 2:40 and it is 2:24 so I'm probably not going to have the time to write some long-ass thing BUT irrigardless (as GG used to say) I shall write a lil' sumthin sumthin ... anyways so today's Friday which I am obviously pumped about because its the weekend and all ... today was a good day, got my work done and all, I actually had a test first period and I aced it! I even got the extra credit because my stupid math teacher didn't realize that I'd figure out how to do the problem on my calculator which once I figured it out (less than a minute after I read the problem) I got the answer in about a minute ... whereas if I had actually done it the way he'd expected me too it would have taken maybe 10 to 12 minutes ... so that was awesome ... So I have been trying to decide for some time now, the camera that I want to get ... and yesterday I finally found the one I want, it is Nikon's D3100 
That's a picture incase you were wondering ... well I actaully gotta go now because I still need to post this on tumblr and stuff so i guess thats all ... until next time (I'm working on a better way to finish)

Austin Rapkin-Citrenbaum


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

PSAT Sleeper

Hey Conan, I just finished taking my PSAT (practice SAT) it's cool cause the test cuts my day in half instead of having less classes, I have insanely short periods ergo no learning today. One extremely weird thing happened during my PSAT, there was this one kid who fell asleep within the first five minutes of the first section (reading) he then began to snore pretty loudly which was annoying and distracting but my proctor was kind of an idiot so he actually did not notice. After the time was up for the first section the proctor told us to get our calculators out and quickly gave directions on the second section (math) this kid wakes up from his nap, turns the page on his test booklet, and goes back to sleep ... snoring ... again. So a half hour later when the time limit is up for the second section we get a five minute break to go to the bathroom and stretch or whatever. The sleeper, as we shall call him, wakes up and goes to the restroom. When he comes back he goes up to the proctor and says, "I think my snoring is distracting, I don't want to take this test. Can I go home?" he then leaves. So weird right? anyways in other news my lifelong best friend got accepted early decision to the University of Pittsburgh yesterday and I am so excited for her. It's so crazy how much your life changes once you get accepted to school, especially early decision. It makes you see the real result of all your work in grade school, and it must be a huge relief to get the good news so early in the year and not be so worried / nervous for the rest of the year. Well that's all for now coco until next time...

Austin Rapkin-Citrenbaum

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Hey conan, so let me start by saying, I had written this other post but I just decided not to use it ... I'm going to just post it in brackets so it doesn't totally go to waste...

[Hey Conan, I’m going to jump right into something. I have discovered that there is a social injustice in fire drills. Now let me explain, first I’ll state the obvious. Fire drills are totally, one hundred percent, pointless. First lets say there is a fire, and the people in the building know its not a drill for arguments sake lets say an announcement was made that this was legitimate. People are going to exit the same way they would in a drill, which is also the same way they’d regularly exit the building, the only difference will be instead of being calm people will be running like hell and possibly carrying “valuable possessions” which can only make evacuating more difficult and dangerous. Now lets pretend that there really is a fire, but people think it’s a drill. The people leaving the building (keep in mind they will be calm because they think it is a drill) will not be aware of the precious seconds they have to leave; therefore they run the risk of taking too long and getting trapped inside the burning building. On top of that many of them will actually be exiting in a direction that will take them to the fire, which will cause mass panic and eventually those people will all be … for lack of a better word … screwed. So in a nutshell, a fire drill doesn’t prepare you for a REAL fire in any way. The only thing it actually does is hurt you. Fire drills actually make the chance of getting out of a flaming building worse because they give you a false sense of security. ANYONE who works or lives in a place where fire drills are the norm knows that when the alarm sounds you leave. And as individuals are exiting they are thinking about what they were in the middle of doing prior to the alarm and waiting to get back to it. If there really is a fire, and the alarm sounds, people are going to think its just a drill … because there could NEVER be a real fire right? So what I’m basically saying that fire drills are totally unnecessary. I know what you’re thinking, “Austin what does this have to do with a social injustice?” Well I’m getting to that now. Last Monday at seven thirty in the morning, the school fire alarm went off. There were about 1500 students and teachers gathered outside IN THE RAIN!]

so that's basically it ... the story pretty much ends with me spending the entire time looking for a single friend but basically unable to do so ... ergo social injustice. In other news ... I've been getting tired recently at around 11 at night, which is fine until you realize that not six months ago I could get 4 hours of sleep for 5 weeks straight and feel fine. so I'm hoping it's a growth spurt ... I'd really like a few more inches. At this moment in time I am choosing not to do two homework assighnments (both due tomorrow) the thing is that I have done a lot of work today and don't really feel like doing any more ... although I suppose i should ... maybe it's time to go ... until next time

see ya around buddy boy!

Austin Rapkin-Citrenbaum

Monday, September 27, 2010


Hey Conan, it’s Monday, the dreaded Monday. But I can’t complain because the exhaustion that plagued me all last week is no more! So what I’d like to talk about today is my “brother” Alex. I put the word brother in quotes because the statement isn’t entirely, legally true, yet. So basically this summer while I was away at camp I met this kid Alex and he writes poetry just like I do, but it’s nothing like what I do. For starters, though he may deny it, he is at least one hundred times better than I. Secondly he does something called spoken word poetry. Which is basically like reciting a memorized piece that doesn’t necessarily rhyme but is set to some type of rhythm and possibly includes crazy metaphors, similes and other literary things. So to make a long story short, Alex will soon be living with me full time and go to my school AND be legally considered a member of my family. Which is pretty exciting because he is one of my best friends and now he’s going to be my brother. Alex is 16, and a junior in high school just like me, which I like because we will be taking similar classes and I have someone to talk to about my teachers and my schoolwork. So yeah, that’s all I got to say about that. Something else came to my mind when I started to write this entry. I was just finishing up some SAT work and I realized that often when I write this blog I don’t use prefect English, my punctuation isn’t perfect, my grammar isn’t exactly essay quality, and I definitely don’t use a format that would be accepted by my English teacher. But then I realized that I don’t really care about that, because I can write however I want in here BUT at the same time it’s not just about how I want to write it’s about what looks nice or is easiest to read. At the same time though I’m realizing that if I want to write in a way that is more “chilled” for me to write, then it’s more “chilled” to read. I call it … reform writing, like being a reform Jew. I don’t have to stick to all the rules as long as I get the basic idea down. Which I think I’m doing. Okay well I know this is short and all but I’m writing this during my lunch and lunch is now over and I don’t really want to stop and start later so that’s all for now, until next time I guess …

Austin Rapkin-Citrenbaum

P.S. Conan Read This!

Friday, September 24, 2010

New Year and a New School

Hey Conan, so I guess I haven’t written in a few months but I do have a reason. I think I mentioned in my last post that I’d be gone all summer and probably not posting, but now I’m back into the new school year so I guess I’m ready to post again. So this has been an odd week. I was in Pittsburgh last weekend with my family including my new “brother” (which I’ll explain later) and I basically got no sleep all weekend. So on Monday when I woke up I was EXAUSTED, and I mean like drained of all energy. I spent the whole day out of it and fell asleep at nine that night, well the next day it was the same thing and I started to wonder, but I figured it would just take me a couple days to catch up on sleep. So Wednesday morning when I woke up tired again after a solid 9 hours of sleep I started to get worried, then Thursday came and I finally felt a bit better, by night time I felt almost all better. Now it’s Friday and I still feel tired but I feel so much better than I have all week so I guess that’s good. Anways, LM is a brand new school, which is pretty cool, everything is state of the art and stuff. Some people don’t like it because everything looks the same; one example is that all the walls are completely white. But the administration just said it’s because until the construction crew is completely done and everything is working nothing can be put up on the walls so that everything can be accessed. It kind of makes sense so I don’t really mind. One weird thing is this no food rule, we can’t eat anywhere but the cafeteria, not even a snack, and no drinks but water. They even lock you in the cafeteria during the lunch so you can’t leave, the reasoning is that the old school had a mouse problem, so apparently they need to exterminate that school and knock it down before we are allowed to have food anywhere else. I still sneak a energy bar once in a while in between classes when everyone’s too busy rushing through the hallways to notice. So according to TBS’s website it will be about 45 days until your show is on. I really hope I can access it on Hulu or something like I could with the late night show because the only chance I get to watch anything (besides baseball) is if I do it on my time, which is quiet sporadic. Okay I guess that’s it for now, I’ll tell you about the new addition to my family in my next post.
Austin Rapkin-Citrenbaum

PS. Conan read this!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

late night study sesh

Hey Conan,
   Sorry I haven’t written in a few days it’s because things are going crazy with finals and all.  Tomorrow I have my chem final and that’s it (I should be having French as well but due to the fact that my teacher gave birth last weekend she made our test a week early) chemistry is going to be by far my hardest final.  It’s so hard that I (along with most honors chemistry students) am not trying to ace the test … I’m trying to do better than most kids so when the 20 point curve or whatever it is comes in I will have a passing grade … yes that’s the kind of test this is :/ … so for this test we are allowed to have one 8 by 11 sheet of paper with whatever we want handwritten on the front and back … I worked on it for about 10 hours today after I got out of school … well I just woke up at 3:30 in the morning and so I decided to finish it … insane I know … so right now it’s 4:15 in the morning and I’m just beginning to feel tired again … I don’t know why I woke up it’s kind of insane considering how exhausted I am … but I’m happy I got a little more studying in … not that it will help much :/ okay well that’s really it for now I’m going to attempt to sleep again … I’ll write in tomorrow for sure,

Austin Rapkin-Citrenbaum

PS. Conan O’Brien read this!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I'm back!

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Hey Conan so I guess I’m back … I wasn’t really ever sure if this was a permanent hiatus or what but in the last couple weeks it has been brought to my attention that actual people actually read this … so now I wanna keep going.  So the thing is that you performed in Philadelphia a couple nights ago and I didn’t go … my bad … but I know people who did and many of them have come up to me and asked if I went … they knew I liked you because of this blog … not to mention one other encounter that allowed me to know I was being read.  I like to keep it anonymous on this blog so lets just say … some asshole freshmen from my school told me he knew of this … see there’s this thing called “nuggeting” that many kids at my school do … basically empty a back pack (or any other bag for that matter) of its contents … turn it inside out … put everything back in just like it was … and then zip the inside out bag back up … so anyways this freshmen got nuggeted … and instead of taking it like a man and laughing it off like every other student (and on occasion teacher) this kid (who happens to be a scrawny geeky friendless kid who thinks he’s big, tough, and intimidating) finds the other student who did it (a class clown who is on the “short” side but everyone loves him) and pins him up against the wall? … yes I meant a question mark … so the nuggetie as we shall call him is laughing so hard while the nuggeted is getting angrier by the second.  So I do as any self respecting teen does and laugh at this kid who was just nuggeted … well he didn’t find it very funny coco … he decided to call me out on “writing to someone who doesn’t listen” I believe he said … although you don’t listen you read … silly freshmen … he also included the fact that “I’m so dumb because I can’t get into advance math class” I’m in honors grade level math which would be advance … very stupid boy … but anyways that’s the long story of how this kid knew about my writings to you.  As far as “catching up” I’m gonna go with a no go co co on that one because I feel like screw it lets just keep on going … well I’m gonna go for now Conan but I’ll talk to you soon.

Austin Citrenbaum
PS. Conan O’brien read this!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Cleaning your room is fun :)

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Hey Conan, I just cleaned my room for a couple of hours and now it is SO clean.  Right when I began writing this I realized I should have taken a before and after picture that way you could see for yourself.  I’d show you the after but I don’t think you’d see the real beauty of it because you didn’t see the before.  It’s weird I have ADD you know like every other American kid but the weird part is that when I take my ADD meds and decide to do something I concentrate far greater than when I am doing something that wasn’t up to me, school for instance.  I decided to clean my room and I concentrated for two hours straight easily.  Today is the last day of my “break” the four-day weekend turned into a six day because of the lovely snow.  I heard it snowed in every state except Hawaii.  That’s pretty crazy!  Apparently we are expecting snow today/tonight and it would be amazing if we could get a late opening tomorrow because I am going to be up so very late doing all the homework I didn’t do.  That’s my next mission but I think I will break for an hour or two before I start it.  Conan I don’t know if you have seen this video but it is awesome, some guy on Youtube who calls himself “The Hair Kid” wrote a song for you and posted it.  The song is actually really good.  Here is the video; there is information about a free download in the description. 

I really felt like I had a lot to talk about today, in fact I still do feel like I do but at the same time I can’t think of anything.  It’s like some odd form of writers block where I can’t remember my own life.  I think I am going to start attaching some more funny stuff I find online to this blog.  So for right now I think I will show you this funny picture I found today.  I am not going to kill the joke by telling you what it is a pun of. 

I know you laughed at that because it’s really funny and why wouldn’t you laugh?  Exactly, there is no reason you wouldn’t laugh ergo you laughed.  Okay well I’m going to sign off now and do something totally meaningless instead of my homework.  I’ll write in soon.


PS. Conan Read This!  

Friday, February 12, 2010


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Hey Conan, now that you live in LA I’m sure you don’t have to deal with snow, but when you lived in New York I bet there were many occasions in which you got stuck.  Well incase you haven’t realized it’s snowing A LOT and EVERYWHERE!  I mean I heard it was snowing in Florida today, that’s crazy!  I have been alive for sixteen and a half years and I don’t know of any time that has ever happened, it probably hasn’t since Larry kings ice age days.  The point is, we had about two feet of snow last Friday/Saturday and we had another foot and a half in between Tuesday/Wednesday.  Needless to say there is SO MUCH SNOW.  So tonight my dad and I went to Nana and Pops (grandparents) to help pop take the TV in him and Nana’s bed room down because he is getting a new one.  We also had dinner.  So it was about nine when we left and although the roads have been plowed there was still a lot of slush and snow and ice on the ground.  So I’m driving OF COURSE and my dad keeps telling me to keep the speed up so that his rear wheel drive car doesn’t stop around a corner.  Well wouldn’t you know it I slip around a corner and the whole car goes off the road and onto some grass, there was more than a foot of snow underneath and surrounding our car.  So first thing we try is reversing, tires sliding everywhere we go NOWHERE.  We were lucky because we were less than a quarter mile down the road so we ran back to my grand parents house, my uncle Mike and his family were still there.  Let me explain my uncle mike, he is the kind of guy that has EVERYTHING you will EVER need.  He was leaving when we ran up to the house so he drove his car with us and his family inside to where our car was and he took a shovel out of his car (OF CORSE HE HAS A SHOVEL IN HIS CAR) I start digging and he says he is sorry he doesn’t have his car because that car has all kinds of cables in it for towing that we could use.  So I dig for a few minutes (freezing my ass off if may I add) and then we tried pushing, my uncle, dad, and I got in front of the car while my aunt reversed; NOTHING yet again.  So my uncle says, okay I’ll drive home and get my Jeep ill be back as soon as possible, so we stay there with the shovel and start digging.  Eventually a car drives by and it’s a man and is (wife?) the man says he lives right there and would be glad to lend a hand.  So he lets his wife drive the car to there home which is legitimately across the street and he digs for a second and then him and my dad get in front of the car while I drive, NOTHING.  We do some more digging and try again but still nothing.  So we thank the man and tell him that my dad’s brother is coming for us and we will be fine, he leaves.  So we then get in the car and begin to wait.  My Motorola Droid cell phone has you tube access so I show my dad this AMAZING comedian Jo Key and my uncle eventually shows up just past ten.  I spent the next twenty minutes face down in the snow attaching this cord thing and eventually we got the car out.  Man was it a crazy night.  When I got home I had a wonderful shower and then it was soon midnight and I called Mariel because today (the 13th not the 12th) is her birthday and I wanted to be first.  Now I’m writing to help me relax and I think I’ll go watch some you tube.  Have a good night Conan talk to you in a day or two.


PS. Conan Read This! 

Thursday, February 11, 2010


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Hey Conan, it’s about two in the morning as I’m beginning to write this and I don’t know how long it will take me to post it, but I suppose before two thirty.  So I really wanted to write in tonight but by the time I realized I wanted to write in I was getting really tired so I decided not to.  Then something amazing happened, like a Christmas miracle I found a new font WHICH I LOVE! And I just couldn’t resist writing with this font; it has inspired me to blog at two in the morning.  HORAY!  I’m not sure if my blog will be posted with this font (because as usual I’m writing this in word first) but either way I can enjoy the way it looks on my word document before I post it.  I found this font because of Stumble upon, it brought me to a website with 45 amazing fonts and I downloaded this one, although I may be downloading more in the near future.  Here is the sight:

Check it out it’s really awesome!  So today was actually a pretty good day, I woke up early even though I didn’t have school because I wanted to be sweet and text Mariel first thing that way she had me while she was at school.  By 11:30ish I had woken up enough to go out and shovel which I did for about an hour while texting Maddy and Alexa.  Maddy and I ended up meeting at the local Starbucks, I walked its about a ten minute walk for me so it was no big deal.  Maddy’s mom drove her and she met me there, we got some food and some stuff to drink (I got tea) and then when we finished we walked back to my house and hung out for a while, it was loads of fun I LOVE hanging out with Maddy.  So Maddy left at about six and after that I went down the street for Tobie’s (my little cousin) birthday party.  Today was her twelfth birthday and my aunt had the whole family along with some family friends over for Tobie.  It was good fun although I went home early to relax and talk to people online.  Well that’s about it for tonight.  I’ll post back maybe tomorrow if not then the next day. 


PS. Conan Read This!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Conan I haven’t posted in way too long, and there’s no excuse, I've just been lazy and I'm sorry.  I am also sorry to say this wont be a long post considering its almost 2:30 as I am beginning to write this and I am getting up at 9 to text Mariel because although I have no school tomorrow she only has a two hour delay and I don't want her to be lonely.  Anyway I think Ill just give you a tiny synopsis of the last week.  School has been fine, a bit stressful but fine, we had a HUGE snowstorm last Friday/Saturday and there was so much snow we had a two-hour delay on Monday.  Due to presidents weekend we have a half-day Thursday and Friday off for this week, but because of another snowstorm that began last night we have a six-day weekend!!!  I am happy to say I have continued to post a poem every day, even though sometimes-past midnight but I don't think that matters, I mean it is my blog isn't it.  That’s what my big sister Sammy says, she has her own blog and she’s actually been noted in magazines and stuff and she gets paid to advertise, but she always says, its her blog if she doesn't want to post for a week she doesn't have too, no one can tell her what to do about her own damn blog.  She says the same for me.  And she’s right.  Sammy is really smart about stuff like that, common sense stuff.  She always sees right through the bullshit.  Okay Conan sorry to cut it short but I am going to go to bed, night!

Until next time (hopefully not too long)


PS. Conan Read This!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Life is really complicated

Hey Conan, I know being a teenager is supposed to be confusing and often upsetting.  I understand that everyone has rough spots when they are growing up.  And I know that they all say that their problems are so original, but I really think mine are just different.  I’m not necessarily saying that what I’m going through is so different than any of the other billions of people that have grown up; I’m saying that my issues are not too common and my circumstances are extremely original.  For instance, I don’t want to go into my long list of problems but it’s the fact that my friends are so far away from me, that I don’t have friends here and the ones I do have live too far away.  It’s really tough because I am dealing with so many “social” issues on top of all my life issues.  Some of my problems are general teenager problems like school being tough and parents being annoying on occasion or even my on coming insomnia, but other problems that I have are more original like the fact that I am dealing with things way beyond my maturity level.  There is a person in my life, who used to understand better what was wrong and this person would do anything to fix it.  This person is having some issues of their own right now and some of them are caused by me, the thing that this person doesn’t realize is that they are making so many negative choices that are not helping them feel better and are definitely making it worse for me.  The worst part is that things have gotten way better over the past week and my two month depression seems to have come to an end, but I feel that nothing I do will make it any better for some time and that really sucks.  Although I am no longer unable to sleep or eat or think, I still have trouble sleeping and concentrating and I can barley eat, and the only way it can be fixed is not with my actions.  I know what I have to do to move it along but I also know that I cannot fix it by myself and I just don’t see it getting fixed at least this week.  It’s so hard to really think into the future, but if I try to I just don’t see it getting better for at least 3 maybe 4 weeks and that’s a long time.  I am hoping to improve it a bit during this week and weekend but I just cannot be sure.  That’s all for now I need to go work or something to relax my mind.  Until next time

Your fan,

PS. Conan Read This!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Backpacks are heavy

Hey Conan, so its 7 in the morning as I’m writing this and I am running on about four hours of sleep but for some reason I just want to write in right now.  So this entry may sound a little weird but that’s just because I am a bit delusional right now.  Anyway I’m sitting in the hallway right now and kids are just starting to get to school and I’m thinking about backpacks.  Some kids are the kind of kids who have HUGE backpacks that are literally bursting at the seams.
Last year for some time I was one of these kids, I suppose they did what I did which is always having a couple of my textbooks on hand.  Towards the middle of last year I realized that maybe having an extra twenty pounds in my bag was hurting me more than it was helping me.  What all of these over achievers need to realize is that they are not any better of a student just because their bags are overflowing and backbreaking.  It’s about what you do with what you have not getting everything you can and hoping that helps.  Now these kids aren’t the only ones with backpack issues.  Some kids are what we will call, “under achievers” in the backpack area.  These kids either have the tiniest backpacks that hardly have anything in them or even drawstring bags that are practically empty.

These kids are usually the kind of kids with no organization so they have their schoolwork for the day along with some writing utensils, or something of that nature.  If you have been in high school you know that you need a binder for all of your five major classes at the least, not to mention the fact that every student at my school has a laptop.  In conclusion, I think that all students should fall somewhere in the middle just like I do.  Your bag should under no circumstances be back breaking, but it should be heavy.  I feel that a normal size backpack should be full, not bursting but not light as a feather.  Expect to be carrying twenty to thirty pounds its no big deal you’re supposed to be a healthy teenager right?  Well Conan first period starts in a few minutes so I have to go.  I’ll write in soon,

Your never fleeting fan

PS. Conan Read This!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Life takes a turn

Hey Conan, so my life’s made a full 180 and everything seems to be going great now.  Well everything’s getting better there’s a couple things that are changing but they are going to take more than a day to change.  To be honest everything that has changed I never thought it would be able to change in such a short amount of time.  So I am very happy.  First of all my Michael Jackson “This Is It” DVD came in the mail Wednesday and I have watched it twice!  It’s so awesome.  I also got these new shoes, well not too new.  My friend Jake got them about a year ago but he’s only worn them twice and he grew out of them, he’s a shoe guy and shoe guys wear shoes only a few times.  Regardless the shoes are really flamboyant and I really love that.  Here they are:

    So right now I’m relaxing and watching a movie, just trying to relax for the night.  In fact I think ill go and do so now.  Talk to you soon,


PS. Conan Read This!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

midterms are over but my troubles are just begining

Hey buddy boy! So today I finished my midterms, French was my last one.  It was really tough but I think I will have a B on it so I am just very happy it’s over.  Don’t want to talk about my life right now because it keeps getting crazier and harder, as I am sure yours is.  Although I bet you love spending time with your family.  So there is some exciting news.  My big sister Sammy and I talk all the time, and about everything.  Well a couple of nights ago she was trying to cheer me up at 1:30 in the morning and I decided I was going to mess with this guy who she knows.  So I get is screen name and he doesn’t know who I am and I start explaining to Sammy how he is typing and then he stops and starts again, which you can see because there is an indicator of when your chat buddy is talking.  So I said to her that he would type something, then delete it and maybe even type and delete again before sending his message.  I said it was because I was getting too him and he was trying to figure out how not to show it.  So anyway Sammy says to me, “Austin, you should right a book” and I laugh and say that it’s appealing but I never can think of anything meaningful to right about.  Now Sammy and I both enjoy writing and we have countless interesting conversations.  So today I was sitting in class after I had finished my midterm and I was thinking about what I had said to her last night that made her tell me to write a book.  I decided to write a book about living, about what its really like in a completely true format, and to open myself up a bit.  I don’t want to make it a book about how horrible it is being a teen, or how great because both of those things are not true.  I want it to be about being a teenager and problems we all confront, and the right way to handle those problems.   I don’t even know if I will finish the book ever, but as of now I’m starting it, and I’m kind of excited.  Well that’s all for now Coco I’ll write in again soon


PS. Conan Read This!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mid terms day one and tired of it allready

Hey Mr. Solution, you have an interesting situation.  You recently became unemployed but instead of a monthly unemployment check you got 45 million dollars.  That’s not too shabby.  So today was the first day of mid terms.  I had English and then math.  For English we had a vocabulary test on the computer that was about 100 words long, then we had a short reading and comprehension then we had an essay on the reading and then we had a juxtaposition essay.  We had around an hour and a half to do this.  The first thing is that our proctor showed up late so we spent the first few minutes of the actual test time we spent getting settled and her reading things she should have done before we begun.  I did the vocabulary first and since it’s on the Internet you get a grade immediately after you’re finished, so I got one hundred percent on that.  Then I did the short story reading, and the questions for that were also on the computer.  The story was very confusing because it wasn’t specific enough about characters and I wasn’t quite giving my all on the questions so I got a 60 percent :/ but that’s fine because it’s such a small part of the mid term.  So after that I wrote my essay on the story and it was hard.  Like I said I didn’t like the story so how could I write such a good essay on it.  I finished the essay but I think it was only worthy of a B.  Finally I moved on to the juxtaposition essay.  There were a few topics we could choose from, at first I didn’t know what to pick but then I decided to put a creative spin on the topic of “beauty”.  I decided to compare what people consider beauty (a beautiful woman) to art, specifically graffiti.  So I’m writing my essay and it’s going so good.  I’m finishing up my first of two paragraphs where I talk about a woman who just won the miss USA pageant.  I haven’t even introduced my second topic yet, AND THE BELL RINGS.  So obviously the first thing I do is look to my friend next to me and I’m like SHIT! And she hadn’t finished either so we were both a bit screwed.  The proctor is walking around saying we have to turn it in and such and I’m like “can I just finish my paragraph really quick” so me along with most of the class are hustling to finish up.  I write a few crappy sentences about the graffiti artist and make it into the shortest paragraph ever.  The worst part is that I decided in my head that I wanted to do that essay first not the short story one so that I could finish with something I was going to love writing.  If I had known I was going to run out of time I wouldn’t have made that stupid decision because I know that I whatever my grade is on the midterm it will have been better if I had completed the juxtaposition instead of the analysis essay.  Incase you’re wondering here is my juxtaposition:

She gracefully makes her way to center stage, the just announced miss America is about to make her inaugural speech.  Her violet dress with accents of blue flows like tall grass on a windy day, fitting her perfectly it shows her long, smooth legs allowing their glossy finish to reflect the lights that are cast down upon her ever so slightly.  Her hair has the most perfect waves, like those of the ocean just after it rains, not one single strand attempts to stray from the pack.  She takes the microphone into her perfectly molded hands and raises it to her thin red lips.  All she can do is smile; and what a beautiful smile it is, those perfectly straight white teeth, as if an artist sculpted them.  Her big beautiful blue eyes, so fierce they could kill you in an instant, but so gentle they could bring a man to tears.  No one can say a word; this is surely the most beautiful sight any one has ever seen. 
    Just outside a man finishing his masterpiece, graffiti yes but when examined it is so beautiful.  So perfectly drawn so that no one could look at it and not be amazed.  Surely this is what true beauty is.  You need to examine it yourself to truly appreciate its beauty.

I hope you liked it but I mean if you didn’t, my analysis wasn’t any better.  So yeah I was very frustrated about that.  Next I moved on to the math, now my school is very computer oriented.  This year we started a program where every student gets a brand new apple Mac book with all the software for free.  This computer is theirs for the duration of their stay at Lower Merion.  I LOVE this program because now I have two Mac’s and I can do multiple things at home plus it makes schoolwork more convenient.  So my math mid term was also on the Internet.  Well it was supposed to be, turns out one not too bright teacher leaked it onto his eboard.  Eboard’s are basically website type things for the teachers to post stuff for students, from homework to study guides, or power point presentations, etc.  Anyway he put it up there by accident, I didn’t know about It until my teacher walks in and hands the proctor those scan-tron sheets, which everyone in the world hates.  This makes it all that more difficult just because its not what I was ready for.  Plus apparently some kids in my class had heard about the leaked test and studied it so that could have been a lot of help.  Regardless the test was really hard.  The worst part is that I finished with a half hour left, and I wish I could have used that towards English.  Okay this entry has been long enough.  See ya!

Your frustrated fan
PS. Conan Read This!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

A much needed break

Hey Conan, I was thinking I wasn’t going to write in today but then I decided to anyway just a short one though too relax my mind from studying.  So like I said yesterday I am preparing for mid terms which start Tuesday and I’m really not looking forward too them.  I mean I understand that we are supposed to be retaining all this information so there is no reason why it isn’t fair to take this test.  My feeling is that we should not be taking these huge tests, which ask us to remember everything we have learned in the last 4.5 months of school, all within a few days of each other.  It’s just really unfair to us as students.  Another thing I think is that we aren’t really supposed to remember everything we have learned just the basics.  For instance, yes I should be able to find the total sum of the interior angles of a dodecagon (12 sided figure) but I should not have to have to do it 50 times, and I should not have to memorize all the equations because in real life you get notes.  I don’t think I will need to be able to do that in my future career, but even if I do I’ll have notes to help me through it.  The thing is that even you have notes; you have Q cards and little index cards to tell you what you’re promoting.  It seems that when I am in the “real world” I will be able to look up the equation and process necessary, not have it memorized.  So I am currently taking a break from my chemistry, for this test we are aloud to bring it a regular sized sheet of paper and have anything we want written on both sides, it cannot be typed or copied.  I can’t even imagine what this test is going to be like if I am aloud to write that much down.  Here is just a sample of how small I’m writing.

It is so ridicules.  The up side is that when you have midterms it’s a half day, and how it works is that there are two periods in the morning both an hour and 45 minutes.  So if I don’t have a midterm the second period I can leave early and vice versa for the first period, if I don’t have any midterms I don’t have school.  That part is good because I will not have school Friday but it’s still a really tough week and I am not quite sure if the time off of school equalizes the stress and lack of sleep from the midterms themselves.  Midterms count as nine percent of your grade for the year and finals count as eleven.  That means that even if I get one hundred percent in every class for the whole year, getting a zero on the midterms and finals would leave me with a C for the year, that’s way to much leverage to base off of two tests.  Now its obvious that if you got a perfect score in every class you wouldn’t be getting zero’s on the midterm and final but that’s just my way of showing how much power those tests have and how out of hand it is.  Well Conan I have to go and get back to work, until next time


PS. Conan Read This!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Tired of Studying? Me Too!

Hey Conan, so I know that I already wrote in today but the thing is I’m baby sitting and I don’t feel like doing any more mid term work so I thought I’d write again. Anyways, today was long and uneventful, I drove a little to run some errands but that’s it other than that I sat around slacking on studying and watching your final episode along with other assorted videos from shows to you tube to movies. So right now after putting both kids to bed I am yet again slacking away, and watching the hulk on the nice big flat screen ☺. So there is the most adorable 4-month-old puppy in the house, he and I are enjoying this fantastic movie together while I’m writing this. I think he likes it almost as much as I do. I took a picture with him, here it is.

Adorable I KNOW. Anyways I don’t know if I have told you but my aunt/uncle and their two daughters live down the street. Aunt beck, uncle Ted, Tobie (11) and Marina (8) so anyway I love those guys Tobie and Marina are like my little sisters and Beck/Ted are like my second parents. So my sister is down there chilling out with Tobie, Marina, and their friend Ally. I think I am going to go down when the parents return because I don’t feel like going home. Tomorrow I have a lot of studying to do for mid terms but it might leave a good opportunity to write a long entry because I enjoy writing in this blog and it makes a great break from studying. All the same I may not have the time to write much at all so who knows. Remember that book I told you I read which inspired me to start writing this, the one called Iron Man. Well I finished it and it was amazing I highly recommend it. You know what else, I saw this clip on you tube it was of Larry King talking about your situation with NBC. Its really funny actually you should watch it David Letterman.  This is the clip:

Okay Conan well I’m hoping that the parents will be home soon but I’m going to sign off for now.

Your number (insert number here)


PS. Conan Read This!

Last Dance

Conan, I just finished watching your final show as host of the tonight show for Conan O'brien and I have to say it was one of the most amazing shows you have ever put on, from the guests to your touching speech and of course playing with Lynyrd Skynyrd one of the greatest musical acts of all time, to one of the greatest rock songs of all time. Its sad that I only got to watch you for 7 months, but what saddens me even more is that I will have to wait until my junior year too watch you again. I am still going to write in as often as possible thought. maybe my blog can last longer than your show :) In all seriousness though, I really hope you host another show come September because I will most definitely watch it. Either way thank you so much for entertaining me for the last 7 months and I can't wait to be entertained by you again. I hate to say I have midterms on Monday and I have to go study, but that's life isn't it.

Your ever loyal fan,

Austin Citrenbaum

PS. Conan Read This!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Stickin' it too the man!

Hey Conan, Not much time to write due to a HUGE test next period and midterms next week and my life being super crazy right now but I'll squeeze in a quick one. It seems weird and even bad to say that I don't have much time to write considering the fact that it is highly plausible that you will not have a show much longer for me to comment on, or for me to be a guest of for that matter. All the same you will still be alive and hopefully with your extra time to browse the interweb you will find this very blog that you must be reading right now so thanks for finding it. ANYWAY, the point is that I loved the piece with the Bugatti dressed as a mouse with the rolling stones, and I think the fact that it isn't supposed to be funny is what makes it so funny. I think you have the total right to do that and you should after what NBC is not only doing to you but itself. I don't want you to think that I haven't noticed all of the other, shall we say "very expensive" music playing for just seconds in between breaks and I absolutely love it. Although NBC decided not to air the Bugatti dressed as a mouse skit with the Rolling Stones on the internet You should know it is on quite a few sites and there is a possibility that they will still have to pay for it. I showed my dad the clip and he said that there is no way you guys bought the car but I said (and hope) you did because you're really sticking it to the man and its awesome. Norm Macdonald was awesome last night he is always the best when he comes on. If you do a new show he should make surprise visits all the time. And Adam Sandler was amazing he took what little dignity NBC had left and shoved it right up there "CUNTS" That is all I can write for now, Until next time.


Austin Citrenbaum

PS. Conan Read This!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Your better than he is!

Hey Conan, I'm still so confused about your situation. Its just that you are undeniably better and more popular than Leno so why would NBC bag your show and the longest running late night show in history just to give him 28 minutes of fame a night. It seems like NBC is going to lose something in this situation no matter what, but why don't they lose their less valuable hosts (Leno) either way I really hope that if you stop working for NBC you and your whole crew get a new spot somewhere else because I know I will continue to watch. Last night I was on stumble upon and it brought me to a video of you, I guess it was when you were wrapping up your show in New York. You were talking about all the times you had live bloopers and there was a video montage of them and it was so hilarious. I know these blogs have been really short lately but its just because there has been so much going on but not stuff that I feel like talking about, so my blogs have not really included my life at all. I hope to change that soon, but until then good luck


PS. Conan Read This!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

shits goin' crazy

Hey Coco this is going to be a rather short one. My shits been going crazy over the last week and I just felt obligated to write in. Lets talk about you. So I saw that you were asked to do a pornography film and although it makes for some great jokes its kind of weird. At the same time I also was brought to a stumble upon page which said that you could have your show online. This seems like a great idea to me because I think it would work great for you. Anyways I know this is super short but I need to go to sleep. Nighty night


P.S. Connan Read This!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 7 You can make it through

Conan what your going through SUCKS but I think that NBC will see if they haven’t already that your too great and asset to lose. Your show has been amazing the last few nights and your fans have been calling your name twice as loud as before. I don't see how NBC could make the mistake of letting you leave because they wont give you what they promised. I more than agree that the tonight show will not be the tonight show at 12:05 and I also feel that Leno is the one who needs to be moved not you. But let me promise you that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I know that this isn’t over, and its quiet possible that the worst is yet to come, but the grass is much greener on the other side and if you can make it through this turmoil then you will be able to have what you deserve. I know this because I have gone through the same type of thing. I'm obviously not a TV host but I went through a time when bad things kept happening even though each was more unfair then the next, and it all finished last night with a final blow but now I am in the clear and it seems like everything is about to get all better, and I mean perfect. Sometimes it seems that there is nothing left to lose and you will find that there is, and sometimes it seems that the difficulties are over, but you will definitely learn that they have yet to begin. But you will get through this and I promise that when you do it will be great. You will know when it’s all over, because you will feel like you finally are in charge and not like someone is making you their bitch, or HO. There will probably be times that you think its over but if you still feel in any way controlled then it wont be long before you find that it isn’t over. I can’t write much more because I do have a lot of work. I just wanted you to know that it will end some time.

Your number 1 fan (kinda)

Austin Citrenbaum

PS. Conan Read This!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Conan read this day 6 part 1?

Conan, I read an article on your situation with NBC and Leno and all of that crap. First of all, my point of view is that its unfair to move you and if you have to change cause of Leno you should get his spot. Also I feel that you are truly better than him and you have a chance to be an extremely important person in the world of talk shows, someone’s going to come along some time and change it like Carson and king. Why can't that be you? I definitely think Fox isn’t looking too bad for you, if you get the chance you may want to think about it, you could even call it "the some time at night show with some white guy" You have loyal fans Conan and they will follow, this is only going to increase your popularity its not like your leno. If you were messing up like he is and that’s why they wanted to move shows around it would be different but I think your doing a fantastic job. Now you know how I feel though, you were promised something and its just being changed when you did nothing wrong. Well that’s been happening to me for two months and last night it started to end, by next week things should finally be done with this nasty boat ride. Not that its going to get super easy but its going to get a million times better, and that will happen to you too Conan because no matter what your going to end up with a show, it just sucks if it has to be so much later. Conan I am either going to post again today or a super long one because I do have some crazy stuff to tell you. So that’s all for right now bud and keep your head up.

Your loyal fan


PS. Conan Read This!

Monday, January 11, 2010

It's been a long time comming day 5

Conan I'm not going to lie, the last couple months have been so crazy and just when it was getting better its going sour again. This is a really important week; I have to make it through this week because this weekend is the demise of my tough times. I'm not saying everything’s going to be easy but this was the hardest stretch, and damn was it hard. Sometimes you just have to put your head down and plow through everything and hope to come out alive you know what I mean? I'm half way through Monday and this week could go by quick and smooth as butter, or tough and as rough and painful as being dragged across gravel. I really hope it’s easy because I can’t deal with this tough stuff anymore. You know Conan, they say, "sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me" I think its quite the opposite, yeah you can beat the crap out of me, but my pain will cease. But words can scar you for life. You can lie in bed at three in the morning and not be able to drift off because some ass hole broke your arm, but that arms going to heal, and on the day it heals when your trying to get your work done and your thankful that the pain is gone, what he said about your sister pops right back into your head. Let me tell you something if it was back in November and I could have subbed those words out for a fist fight with the rock, I'd take the beating because I would be feeling a hell of a lot better now. Words hurt Conan words hurt. I'm in such a weird position, for the last two months its been like I have been holding on to someone falling off a cliff and I cant lift them back up no matter how hard I try, but I can keep them from death. Its like I know the rescue is coming but I have to hold out till they get here and they are taking FOREVER. I'm tired Conan I’m tired of holding on, but I can’t let go yet and that’s what I have to concentrate on this week. Along with keeping my grades high considering the marking periods coming to an end in a couple weeks I don’t want to lose all my hard work now. I can’t crack under pressure after I have made it so far. And if I don’t make it, if I let go...then fuck it in the words of the great rapper Nas "life’s a bitch and then you die" That’s all I got coco

Your tired fan


PS. Conan Read This!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hey this weekend started rough, kind of like my week went. Last night I had my grand fathers 85th birthday here at my house, but you need to understand something about my grandfather he isn’t your typical 85 year old. First of all, he goes to the gym almost every day of the week and has been for years and years. The funny part is that his best two friends are a 40 something former NFL player who is now a body builder/personal trainer at the gym, and a 30 something gorgeous tall blond lacrosse player and coach/ personal trainer at the gym. My grandfather is about 4 foot 11 so this is pretty hilarious to everyone that knows him. So this was a fun party, lots of personal trainers I'm friends with and some all around crazy people, My grandfather has no friends his age so it was not a boring party as you might think. Anyways today I woke up not feeling good, emotionally and physically but my big sis came and we went out for a while and I called my girlfriend Mariel at the end of the day and she helped me sort everything out so now I'm feeling way better. I am a bit confused about how the timing of your show is changing although I must say since I watch it on hulu the next day it doesn’t really effect me. I did love that comedian that was on last night he was awesome. Extremely funny. I really don’t have much to say but I do have a lot of homework so ill write in tomorrow Mr. solution.

the guy who occasionally watches your show


Friday, January 8, 2010

Connan Number 3...Copy Cats Arent Cool

So Connan I didn't post yesterday, mostly because I was exhausted and pissed at the world. The good news is that I went to bed at like 9 last night and I haven’t gone to bed that early in quite a few years. I was just too pissed to stay awake. My school had a 2-hour delay today I basically got 10 hours asleep a literal first for me on a school night. I am obviously very pleased about that. I have been doing very well in school, with a 4.4 GPA and I don't know what it is but for some reason I feel like some day soon I will begin to fail every test quiz and forget every homework. I don't know why this is, maybe partially because I feel like all of my peers do more work than I do to get the same things done so I worry my things are of a lesser quality but they're not. I don’t know if this is the competitiveness of my school causing students to overwork for no reason because we all have to be so smart and perfect, but that’s the only thing I can think of. The girl who sits behind me in my math class is most definitely not the smartest tool in the shed, but she does work really hard which helps her do well in school and get into my honors class. The thing is I most definitely put way less time in to studying than her and I have a full letter grade better than her and I did over 10 percent better than her on our last test. So my question is, why does it work like this? Have I figured out some unknown way to get the same amount of work done faster, or do I have an unnaturally high IQ? What gives me the ability to do less work for an equal or better grade? I am most definitely not complaining and I hope that it continues to work this way but I just don’t understand why. My school is very interesting, everyone things certain things are "hot" or "cool" and they do those things, they dress a certain way, act a certain way, do certain things, but in actuality even if these things were once cool they are most certainly played out now that everyone is doing them. For instance about a month ago we had presentations in my French class and these two girls go up to do their presentations and it just so happens they are wearing almost the same exact outfit. They both had on Uggs (of course) they both were wearing form fitting jeans along with a black zip up sweatshirt and a white shirt peeking out from underneath. My French teacher laughed and asked if they planned it, and the whole class chuckled, as they answered no. Connan about 700 girls go to my school and I'd bet about 100 more of them matched these two. First of all on any given day about 600 of the 700 girls in my school are wearing Uggs, and more than half are wearing jeans or some kind of spandex. How can this be so cool and hot if they are all the same? It seems to me that originality and independent thinking are not traits that my school holds. I think that’s enough bitching for today so I'm going to finish here and I'll write in again tomorrow. Thanks for reading.

Your sexy vampire/ wolf boy-loving fan




Wednesday, January 6, 2010

day 2, whats in my mind???

Okay Connan so I guess calling you coco isn’t the best thing to do since you have made it pretty clear that you hate that name, instead ill use your other nick name "the solution" So Mr. solution I have some stuff on my mind, first things first. I could not sleep last night, I was kind of uneasy when I got into bed at 1:05 but I thought my feelings could rest until the morning I guess I was wrong because I just couldn’t sleep. So I decided to go out in the frigid 29 degrees (Fahrenheit were in America) and walk a bit. I walked down the street and when I reached my friends house I just stopped in the middle of the street and looked up at the sky, and I realized how peaceful it was. I almost wanted to stay out here all night. Its so amazing when the world is asleep, you realize how distracted you are. At night when even the crickets nap you can hear your heart beat and you feel like there is nothing in the world that could distract you because the nothing else is around. It was just so amazing, and of course right after that I went home and fell asleep. Connan, as I told you I want to perform all around the world one day and I recently came to a realization about performers such as yourself. I looked you up online to see if you had a fan email or address for me to send this too instead of hoping you would stumble upon it but I didn’t find one, what I did find was that you went to Harvard university and I was amazed that someone who went to such a prestigious school would become a talk show host and not a brilliant doctor or lawyer. The thing is that if you think about it, many celebrities are actually extremely smart and went to amazing schools. For instance James Franco went to Columbia and I believe will smith was given a scholarship to MIT. I kind of enjoy the idea that to be a great performer you need to be really intelligent. Think about the other side of the board, Paris Hilton no more words need to be said. On another topic, I want to credit the inspiration for this blog, the book "Iron Man" by Chris Crutcher is currently being read in my health class and Bo the main character loves Larry King (who doesn’t love ancient artifacts?!) and he writes a journal to him almost every day and tells him about everything, unfortunately this book was written before blogging so no one ever sees these entries such as my audience does but its the same idea. I like being able to write this crap down in hopes that you will find it one day and interview me yourself, I know it sounds far fetched but I believe its more than possible. Well that’s really all for now Connan, gotta get back to work considering I’m in school right now.

Your semi fan



Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Connan Number 1 5/1/10

So this is day one on my blog to Connan O’Brien. I'd like to start off with a message to Connan O’Brien; Connan this blog is my way of talking to you and telling you about my life and my views on the world. I hope that the other people who read this will make it popular enough to reach your eyes. I'll tell you a bit about myself, I am 16 years old and a sophomore in high school; I like high school because I like to learn...HOWEVER I hate a few mean teachers and the majority of the students that attend my school. I have always been social at school but I have only ever been accepted by people who take the time to get to know me and many don't give me that chance. I used to think it was my fault that my life worked that way but five summers ago I started going to sleep away camp and I always have been one of the most popular and beloved people there. So I guess its just my crappy township. Now you might say, well Austin sometimes you get put in a place that you're not going to like and you just have to push through it; that’s the funny thing. I don't have to be here, my parents don’t even want me in this school. Its not that its a bad school its ranked third in the whole Philadelphia area and after its construction is finished next year it will be the number one public school. The thing is, I'm a performer I have been dancing since I was five and I also sing/beat box and write music, I also really would love to act one day. When I was in 8th grade my mother forced me to audition for CAPA it is the high school for performing arts in the city of Philadelphia and it is one of the most renown performing arts schools in the country, this particular school according to my mom gets thousands of applications every year and only accepts a couple hundred, even less of which are boys. Yes you hit the nail right on the head Connan I got accepted, but I didn't want to go...why you ask? I'm not sure at the time it was because my current school has a great sports program and I played all three seasons and because I wanted to stay with my "friends" which we know I don’t have, I guess unlike Obama I’m not down with change. So I declined this opportunity. Now three years later I’m in my sophomore year and CAPA has accepted me again and I don’t want to go...I know I’m really messed up. I still want to perform though I just don’t feel that that is the correct path for me. Now I have a question for you Connan...I am not a bad speller but I'm not the spelling bee champion either, so when I googled your name to make sure I spelled it right I noticed that sometimes its spelled with an "e" and sometimes with an "a" this is super confusing, and the fact is with all the trouble I’m going to have spelling your name, I may have to stick to coco ;) well this has been super long but I just wanted to introduce myself as a first blog, I hope to post every day after I watch your show on hulu.

Your "not so much" number one fan
Austin Citrenbaum